smu - a Simple Markup Language
smu is a very simple and minimal markup language. It is designed for use in wiki-like environments. smu makes it very easy to write your documents on the fly and convert them into HTML.
smu is capable of parsing very large documents. It scales just great as long as you avoid a huge amount of indents (this will be fixed in future releases of smu).
smu was started as a rewrite of markdown but became something more lightweight and consistent. The biggest difference between markdown and smu is that smu doesn't support reference style links.
Inline pattern
There are several pattern you can use to highlight your text:
- Surround your text with
to get emphasised text:This *is* cool. This _is_ cool, too.
- Surround your text with
to get strong text:This **is** cool. This __is__ cool, too.
- Surround your text with
to get strong and emphasised text:This ***is*** cool. This ___is___ cool, too.
- But this example won't work as expected:
***Hello** you*
This is a wontfix bug because it would make the source too complex. Use this instead:
***Hello*** *you*
- Surround your text with
inline Code
You can produce inline code with surrounding
Use `rm -rf /` if you're a N00b.
Use ``rm -rf /`` if you're a N00b.
makes it possible to use Backticks without backslashing them.
Creating titles in smu is very easy. There are two different syntax styles. The first is underlining:
This is very intuitive and self explaining. The resulting sourcecode looks like this:
Use the following prefixes if you don't like underlining:
# h1
## h2
### h3
#### h4
##### h5
###### h6
The simplest way to define a link is with simple <>
You can do the same for E-Mail addresses:
If you want to define a label for the url, you have to use a different syntax
[smu - simple mark up](
The resulting HTML code
<a href="">smu - simple mark up</a></p>
To make a link to the location in the page, use
which results in
<a href="#myheader" id="myheader">myheader</a>
To include an image, use

which results in
<img src="" alt="alt text" title="title" />
Defining lists is very straightforward:
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
Defining ordered lists is also very easy:
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3
It is possible to use any leading number you want. So if you don't want to keep
your list synchronised, you simple can use any number. In this case it's
recommended to use 0.
, but it isn't mandatory.
0. Item 1
0. Item 2
0. Item 3
Both examples will cause the same result. Even this is possible:
1000. Item 1
432. Item 2
0. Item 3
This will be the result in these example:
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
Code & Blockquote
Use the >
as a line prefix for defining blockquotes. Blockquotes are
interpreted as well. This makes it possible to embed links, headings and even
other quotes into a quote:
> Hello
> This is a quote with a [link](
This is a quote with a <a href="">link</a></p>
You can define block code with a leading Tab or with 3 leading spaces, too)
<pre><code>, too)
Please note that you can't use HTML or smu syntax in a code block.
Other interesting stuff
to insert a horizontal rule simple add
- - -
into an empty line:Hello - - - Hello2
<p> Hello <hr />
You can escape the following pattern to avoid them from being interpreted:
\ ` * _ { } [ ] ( ) # + - . !
To force a linebreak simple add two spaces to the end of the line:
No linebreak here. But here is one.