PACKAGE STYLE GUIDE =================== This document is a style guide which will double as documentation for a possible package linter in the future. Every package in the Official repositories and the Community repository adheres to this style guide. NOTE: Exceptions are made where it makes sense. ## Index - [MAINTAINERSHIP](#MAINTAINERSHIP) - [GENERAL](#GENERAL) - [BUILD](#BUILD) - [GNU AUTOTOOLS](#GNU AUTOTOOLS) - [MESON](#MESON) - [CMAKE](#CMAKE) - [MAKE](#MAKE) - [RUST](#RUST) - [GO](#GO) - [PYTHON](#PYTHON) - [DEPENDS](#DEPENDS) - [SOURCES](#SOURCES) - [VERSION](#VERSION) - [PATCHES](#PATCHES) ## %[MAINTAINERSHIP] * Each package has a set maintainer stored via git commits. Use 'git log' or 'kiss-maintainer pkg' to find the maintainer's contact information. * Only the maintainer of a package has the ability to make changes to said package. Any pull requests by a non-maintainer for a package will be closed. * If you would like to make a change to an existing package, contact the maintainer and they will do so on your behalf. * If the maintainer leaves a package out of date and does not respond in a reasonable time frame, the package will be orphaned and up for grabs. * If no one steps forward to adopt an orphaned package, it will be dropped from the repositories. ## %[GENERAL] %[0000] Some packages are not suitable for inclusion in the Community repository. Examples: ConsoleKit, dbus, electron, gettext, gtk2, intltool, libsn, logind, pam, python2, polkit, pulseaudio, systemd and all Desktop Environments. The same rules above may apply to other software at the discretion of maintainers. %[0001] Packages which are binaries must contain the suffix '-bin' to reflect this fact. Similarly, packages which pull from git should contain the suffix '-git'. The version of git packages must also be set to 'git'. ## %[BUILD] %[0200] This guide should be used alongside shellcheck and not in place of it. %[0201] All shell code must pass the shellcheck linter. Any false-positives or intended behavior must have a rationale attached with the exclusion. # Disable warning as CFLAGS must work this way. # shellcheck disable=2086 "${CC:-cc}" $CFLAGS ... %[0202] Use 4 spaces for indentation. %[0203] Lines should not exceed 80 characters in length. %[0204] All packages must use the POSIX shell shebang with '-e' to exit on error. Additionally, '-ef' can be used if word-splitting is required. There must also be a blank line directly below the shebang. #!/bin/sh -e # Code starts here. %[0205] All comments should start with a capital letter and use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. # This is a comment. %[0206] Leave comments to explain *why* the code is needed and not *what* it does. Bad: # Create a directory. mkdir -p "$1/usr/bin" Good: # 'make install' doesn't create the directory. mkdir -p "$1/usr/bin" %[0207] Avoid adding braces around variables if unneeded. Bad: printf '%s\n' "${var}" Good: printf '%s\n' "$var" Good: printf '%s\n' "${var}.${var2}" %[0208] Avoid quotes when unneeded. Bad: [ "$var" = "test" ] Good: [ "$var" = test ] Bad: cp "file" "$1/usr/bin/file" Good: cp file "$1/usr/bin/file" %[0209] Quote entire strings instead of variables. Bad: cp -f cat "$1"/usr/bin/cat Good: cp -f cat "$1/usr/bin/cat" %[0210] Align arguments in blocks of command calls. Bad: cp file.h "$1/usr/include/file.h" cp "$1/usr/lib/" Good: cp file.h "$1/usr/include/file.h" cp "$1/usr/lib/" %[0211] Use `mkdir` and `cp` instead of `install`. Bad: install -Dm755 ls "$1/usr/bin/ls" Good: mkdir -p "$1/usr/bin" cp ls "$1/usr/bin/" NOTE: since Dylan wrote this style guide, he changed opinions on this point since install isn't POSIX. Both styles are accepted in the community repo. %[0212] Prefer `$CC` to ... Bad: gcc -o file file.c Good: "${CC:-cc}" -o file file.c %[0213] Always use `-p` with `mkdir`. %[0214] Always use `printf`. Do not use `echo`. ### %[GNU AUTOTOOLS] %[0400] Use the following style: ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --more_args_here make make DESTDIR="$1" install %[0401] Avoid running ./, autoreconf or similar tools prior to starting the build process. If there are no pre-generated configure or Makefiles, an alternate source must be sought. An exception can be made for packages in which no such source exists. If or autoreconf are required, prefer autoreconf. ### %[MESON] %[0600] Use the following style: export DESTDIR="$1" meson setup \ -Dprefix=/usr \ -Dexample=false \ output ninja -C output ninja -C output install ### %[CMAKE] %[0800] Use the following style: export DESTDIR="$1" cmake -B build \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DFLAG=1 cmake --build build cmake --install build ### %[MAKE] %[1000] Use one of the following style when applicable: make make DESTDIR="$1" PREFIX=/usr install make PREFIX=/usr make DESTDIR="$1" install make PREFIX=/usr make DESTDIR="$1" PREFIX=/usr install For packages which require a few variables be set, prefer this style. make \ PREFIX=/usr \ SBINDIR=/usr/bin \ OPT="$CFLAGS" make \ DESTDIR="$1" \ PREFIX=/usr \ install For packages which require the variables be set for all calls to make, prefer this style. mk() { make \ PREFIX=/usr \ DESTDIR="$1" \ EXAMPLE=1 \ "$@" } mk mk install ### %[RUST] %[1050] Use the following style: cargo build --release install -Dm755 target/release/rg "$1/usr/bin/rg" ### %[GO] %[1100] Use the following style: export GOPATH="$PWD/go" export GO111MODULE=on go build \ -modcacherw \ -trimpath install -Dm755 lazygit "$1/usr/bin/lazygit" NOTE: If the directory 'vendor' is available in the root directory of the source, the preferred method is to omit GOPATH and GO111MODULE and use: go build \ -mod=vendor \ -further-options to prevent cluttering $HOME and enable offline building. ### %[PYTHON] %[1150] Use the following style: python build python install --prefix=/usr --root="$1" ## %[DEPENDS] %[1201] If dependency is unneeded, then it must be removed. %[1202] Some packages are assumed to always be available. Such dependency must be removed. Examples: gcc, make, musl. %[1203] Build-time dependencies must be marked as 'make' dependencies. Examples: autoconf, automake, cmake, meson. %[1204] Runtime dependencies must not be marked as 'make' dependencies. %[1205] The depends file must be sorted. %[1206] If depends file is empty, then it must be removed. ## %[SOURCES] %[1401] Use a HTTPS source if at all possible. %[1402] Don't specify patches remotely. Store them as a part of the package's repository files. Bad: Good: patches/fix-build.patch %[1403] Don't use a git repository in place of a release tarball unless it makes sense to do so. %[1404] Drop www. and .git from all sources if possible. ## %[VERSION] %[1601] Package version must be latest upstream version. %[1602] Use 'git' in place of '9999'. %[1603] The version file must contain relative version number. Bad: 1.0.0 Good: 1.0.0 1 ## %[PATCHES] %[1800] Use the following style: patch -p1 < patch.patch # If there is more than one patch. for patch in *.patch; do patch -p1 < "$patch" done %[1801] All patches should use the same strip amount. If this is not possible, modify the patches. Strip amount is controlled by the -p flag.